Dr. James M. Hunt is an associate professor of management and former Chair of the Management Division at Babson College, in Wellesley, Massachusetts. There he teaches leadership, talent development and creativity. James has consulted to numerous business and health care organizations on the development of an organizational coaching capability, executive coaching, and talent development by managers. His current research is on the relationship between creativity, uncertainty and career development. He co-lead the design of Babson’s innovative Talent Management course in the MBA Program and lead the redesign team for Babson’s flagship course, Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship. Formerly, he was faculty co-director of the Babson College Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program and a founder and former faculty co-director of the Babson Executive Education Coaching Inside the Organization program, designed for organizational development and human resource professionals. James is coauthor of the book The Coaching Organization: A Strategy for Developing Leaders, a groundbreaking study of best practice companies and coaching, published by Sage (2007). Dr. Hunt graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s of science degree and received a doctorate in business administration from Boston University Graduate School of Management, where he studied career and leadership development and work/life balance
Dr. Joseph R. Weintraub is a professor of management and organizational behavior at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts where he serves as the founder and faculty director of the Babson Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program. He is also the faculty director of the Management Consulting Field Experience Program at Babson, an experiential project management program providing consulting services to both the for profit and not-for-profit sectors. Dr. Weintraub is an industrial-organizational psychologist who focuses in the areas of individual and organizational effectiveness including leadership development, coaching, team effectiveness, innovation, and performance management. His work on coaching has received several awards, including the “Management Development Paper of the Year” from the Academy of Management. He is the coauthor of The Coaching Organization: A Strategy for Developing Leaders (Sage, 2007). Dr. Weintraub’s work has appeared in a number of publications including the MIT Sloan Management Review, Organizational Effectiveness, The Wall Street Journal, the Journal of Management Education, and The European Financial Review. Dr. Weintraub serves as Faculty Director at Babson Executive Education, where he is the cofounder and codirector of Coaching Inside the Organization, an innovative certification program for internal organizational coaches. In addition to his work at Babson, Dr. Weintraub is also president of Organizational Dimensions, a management consulting and assessment firm based in Wellesley. He spends much of his consulting practice in helping organizations to develop their own coaching managers. He also develops and delivers leadership development programs in a variety of organizations around the world. His clients have included General Electric, Bose, Fidelity Investments, Citizens Bank, EMD Serono, Boston Children’s Hospital, Ocean Spray, and T-Mobile. He is also the co-developer of InnoQuotient, a comprehensive survey tool that measures the culture of innovation in organizations.Dr. Weintraub received his B.S. in psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and both his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in industrial-organizational psychology from Bowling Green State University. He can be contacted at [email protected].