Using detailed examples at every step, you’ll learn how the MATTER Annotation Development Process helps you Model, Annotate, Train, Test, Evaluate, and Revise your training corpus. You also get a complete walkthrough of a real-world annotation project.
This book is a perfect companion to O’Reilly’s Natural Language Processing with Python.
James Pustejovsky teaches and does research in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics in the Computer Science Department at Brandeis University. His main areas of interest include: lexical meaning, computational semantics, temporal and spatial reasoning, and corpus linguistics. He is active in the development of standards for interoperability between language processing applications, and lead the creation of the recently adopted ISO standard for time annotation, ISO-TimeML. He is currently heading the development of a standard for annotating spatial information in language. More information on publications and research activities can be found at his webpage:
Amber Stubbs recently completed her Ph.D. in Computer Science at Brandeis University, and is currently a Postdoctoral Associate at SUNY Albany. Her dissertation focused on creating an annotation methodology to aid in extracting high-level information from natural language files, particularly biomedical texts. Her website can be found at