James Byrne is Professor of Neuroradiology at the University of Oxford and Director of its MSc course in Endovascular Neurosurgery. He recently retired from clinical practice as Consultant Neuroradiologist to the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
He trained in Neuroradiology at The National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, London and completed his MD degree thesis on the role of nitric oxide in cerebral vasospasm. He was first appointed Consultant Neuroradiologist at St George’s Hospital, London and moved to Oxford in 1991. His research interests include functional angiography and Interventional Neuroradiology. After moving to Oxford, he set up a laboratory to develop and test novel embolisation devices. He performed the first intracranial aneurysm treatments with the GDC device in the EU and trained the first European users. He has written over 100 peer-reviewed journal publications, 3 books and presented at numerous international scientific meetings. He organizes the successful ECMINT training program courses.
His international experience includes; Editor-in-Chief of NEURORADIOLOGY and currently the European Journal of Radiology, President of the European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy and membership of the European Union Medical Specialties task force on training in Endovascular Neurosurgery. He serves on several professional international and national Society executive committees and as a specialist advisor to commercial and Government boards.