A Christmas Mystery: A deaf boy's generosity is miraculously rewarded
First Christmas: Newlyweds take part in the local Christmas pageant -- and receive a surprising lesson in timeless love
My Christmas Angel: A pro baseball player visits a children's ward to cheer the patients, and is himself transformed
A Heart for Christmas: A series of coincidences brings new life to a little girl
The Stranger: A gentle, mysterious Christmas Eve visitor awes a family
Christmas Saved My Mother: A rabbi tells how his mother, fleeing the Holocaust, was spared on Christmas Eve
George Misses a Shift: Sudden car trouble on Christmas night saves a couple's life... and more.
Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." If you believe in miracles -- or want to -- let Christmas Miracles light the candle of hope in your heart this year.
Jamie Miller created these games for her five children and has also used them successfully in many church and schoolroom settings. As a member of the singing King Family, Jamie was featured on their weekly television show in the 1960s and 70s and toured the United States and Canada performing during those years. A book editor and the coauthor of Christmas Miracles, she has a degree in education and lives in California.