Ein nukleares Schnellangriffs-U-Boot fährt lautlos durch die Gewässer des Nordatlantiks und wird von zwei Dutzend bewaffneten Terroristen gekapert.
Das Ziel: New York City
An Bord des U-Boots gefangen, gibt es für Ship Superintendent Amy Russell und Commander Darius McCann nur eine Hoffnung zu überleben. Nachdem sie den Entführern entkommen sind, müssen sie nun ein Katz- und Mausspiel spielen, bei dem eine Gefangennahme den Tod von Millionen bedeuten könnte.
An Land arbeiten Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Connelly und Commander Bruce Dunn daran, die Details der Entführung rechtzeitig zu erfahren, um den Angriff zu verhindern. Während die Massenhysterie New York City lähmt, decken die beiden Ermittler eine Spur von Geheimnissen auf, die so gefährlich sind wie die stille Waffe, die auf das Herz Amerikas gerichtet ist.
"...eine rasante, fesselnde Geschichte...die den Lesern mit Sicherheit Feuer unterm Hintern machen wird."-Publishers Weekly über Triple Threat
Wenn Ihnen Die Jagd auf Roter Oktober von Tom Clancy, die Jack-Ryan-Romane oder Das Meer des Teufels von Clive Cussler gefallen haben, dann sollten Sie sich diesen spannenden Spannungsroman zu Gemüte führen. Dieser herzzerreißende, actiongeladene Thriller wird bei Fans von Todd Tucker, Rick Campbell, John Wingate, Michael DiMercurio, Barbara Freethy, Karen Rose, D.V. Berkom, Kristi Belcamino, Janey Crouch, Willow Rose, JD Robb, Karen Robards, Michael Connelly, Susan Stoker, Ann Rule, Jason Kasper, Marc Cameron und George Wallace, Brad Thor, Michael Shea für angespannte Nerven sorgen.
Schlüsselwörter - intelligente, raffinierte, rasante romantische Spannung, pulsierende romantische Thriller, unglaubliche Chemie, glaubwürdige Liebesgeschichte, befriedigendes und komplexes Mysterium, gut recherchierte, rasante, fesselnde Lektüre, emotionaler, spannender Pageturner, verworrene Action, Romantik und Terror, starke weibliche Heldinnen und intensive männliche Hauptdarsteller, atemberaubende, zum Nachdenken anregende Spannung, großartige Sommerlektüre, verletzter Held, weibliche Hauptdarstellerinnen, herzzerreißende, rasante Action, Verzweiflung, Racheakte, Erlösung und Rache, Mordkrimi, erzwungene Nähe, gefährliche Spiele-Serie, Krimi-Bestseller, spannende Bücher zum Lesen, politische Thriller-Bestseller, politische Thriller, Bücher, die Sie die ganze Nacht wach halten, Spannung mit tickender Uhr, Inlandsterrorismus-Thriller, gemeinsame Bedrohung, gemeinsamer Feind, abschreckende Bösewichte, preisgekrönter Krimi, Probleme der psychischen Gesundheit, sexuelle Intrigen, Entführung, Action, Abenteuer, inländische Terrorismusbücher, NCIS-Spannungsromane, Techno-Thriller-Bücher, Techno-Thriller-Literatur, Techno-Thriller-Spannung, Militär-Thriller, Militär-Thriller-Bücher, Clancy-Bücher, Marine-U-Boot-Action, U-Boot-Literatur-Romane, Verschwörungsliteratur.
May McGoldrick, Nik James, and Jan Coffey are pen names for USA Today bestselling authors Nikoo Kafi and Jim McGoldrick. Together, they have crafted over fifty fast-paced, conflict-filled historical, contemporary, and Western novels, and two works of nonfiction.
Nikoo’s education and training was in engineering. She worked in robotics and submarine shipbuilding. Before earning a PhD in sixteenth-century Scottish and English literature, Jim pursued a hundred and one jobs, including a decade in submarine construction.
Storytellers at heart, Nikoo and Jim were always searching for careers that gave them time for both family and writing. Then, after thirteen years of marriage, they recognized each other’s creative strengths. Nikoo is all about characters and feeling. Jim is about action and sense of place. Their first attempt in writing fiction together produced their award-winning novel, The Thistle and the Rose. Since then, their stories have touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers all over the world. Their work has been translated into over a dozen languages and counting.
Nikoo and Jim are four-time Rita Finalists and the winners of numerous awards for their writing, including a Will Rogers Medallion Award for Traditional Western Novels, the Daphne DuMaurier Award for Excellence, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award, three NJRW Golden Leaf Awards, two Holt Medallions, and the Connecticut Press Club Award for Best Fiction.
The authors make their home in California.
May McGoldrick, Nik James, and Jan Coffey are pen names for USA Today bestselling authors Nikoo Kafi and Jim McGoldrick. Together, they have crafted over fifty fast-paced, conflict-filled historical, contemporary, and Western novels, and two works of nonfiction.
Nikoo’s education and training was in engineering. She worked in robotics and submarine shipbuilding. Before earning a PhD in sixteenth-century Scottish and English literature, Jim pursued a hundred and one jobs, including a decade in submarine construction.
Storytellers at heart, Nikoo and Jim were always searching for careers that gave them time for both family and writing. Then, after thirteen years of marriage, they recognized each other’s creative strengths. Nikoo is all about characters and feeling. Jim is about action and sense of place. Their first attempt in writing fiction together produced their award-winning novel, The Thistle and the Rose. Since then, their stories have touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers all over the world. Their work has been translated into over a dozen languages and counting.
Nikoo and Jim are four-time Rita Finalists and the winners of numerous awards for their writing, including a Will Rogers Medallion Award for Traditional Western Novels, the Daphne DuMaurier Award for Excellence, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award, three NJRW Golden Leaf Awards, two Holt Medallions, and the Connecticut Press Club Award for Best Fiction.
The authors make their home in California.