The volume as a whole stands as a testament to the significant intellectual legacies of the late Professor Bill Birkett, both locally and globally, with respect to the development of accounting as an academic discipline informed by understandings of accounting practices and a profession informed by systematic and rigorous frameworks for cognition and action.
The unifying conclusion of the essayists included in this volume is that Bill was ahead of his time - he was visionary in his thinking about accounting and uniquely distinctive in terms of the voice that conveyed his ideas. Bill's ideas have and will continue to influence many as a result of personal interaction and exposure to the educational institutions that Bill shaped. As Bruce Grey (FTSE) has stated, these essays 'are a wonderful and appropriate tribute to great man missed by many'.
About the editors:
Jane Baxter is an associate professor of management accounting at the University of New South Wales.
Chris Poullaos is an honorary associate professor of accounting at the University of Sydney.