Betti Mace
Evil is a choice. You have been missing for several months, have no idea what actually happened, why it happened or who the monster is that kidnapped you. Since you, Raven, are the aggrieved party in this scenario, how do you respond? You can be powerful or pitiful - not both! Raven is an investigative reporter who spends a great deal of time and effort making sure her stories are true. Now she needs to learn a whole new set of skills, not the least of which is putting the past in the past. Surrounded by good friends she once again is reminded that with God all things are possible. It’s all about making the right choices, trusting that good can come out of evil, realizing that secrets can hurt, hinder and destroy and learning to leave if the situation makes you feel uncomfortable - a principle we all should adhere to. The author has written another edge-of-your-seat suspense that will have you wondering about your own choices. This copy was received through Pelican Ventures, Harbourlight Books and CelebrateLit. The impressions and comments made are my own and were in no way solicited.