`It′s tempting to think that face-to-face experience translates straightforwardly to online work. But it doesn′t. Jane Evans shows how many different aspects there are to counselling on-line... My advice would be, don′t attempt it until you have worked through this book′ - Professor Michael Jacobs, author of Psychodynamic Counselling in Action
Counsellors - and other professionals who provide emotional support and guidance - are increasingly working online. The difference between online and face-to-face interaction with clients is vast and practitioners need to equip themselves with specialist knowledge and skills to ensure that they are being effective.
Online Counselling and Guidance Skills is the first book to deal with the practicalities of this mode of working. It looks at how practitioners need to adapt their basic counselling skills to the online environment and guides them through the process of setting up, defining and maintaining a working relationship with a client within professional, ethical and legal boundaries. Case studies and extracts from online sessions show how the skills are put into practice, while practical exercises and points for further consideration help readers to develop their own knowledge and skills.
Until now, books and articles have generally focused on the therapeutic work done by counsellors online. However, this book addresses people who use counselling skills in a wide range of contexts; including counselling, education, mental health, social care and careers guidance.
Janet Evans, Literacy and Educational Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Education at Liverpool Hope University, is a primary specialist, writer and inset provider.Previously a primary school teacher, Janet has worked with children of all ages, students, teachers, parents and governors. She has lectured extensively in England and internationally and has written many articles and books on language, literacy and maths education. Janet’s latest book, Talking Beyond the Page : Reading and Responding to Picturebooks shows how different kinds of picturebooks can be used with children of all ages and highlights the positive gains to be made from reading, sharing, talking and writing about picturebooks. Her previous books have focused on the changing nature of literacy in the 21st century, writing and the primary children, and the importance of illustrations in picturebooks.