Firekeeper’s former adversary, Melina Shield, has risen to great prominence in the neighboring land of New Kelvin. Melina’s unexpected power threatens the reputation of King Tedric’s heir apparent, Sapphire, and, through Sapphire, dreams for the new realm of Bright Haven. King Tedric’s price for helping the Beasts is that Firekeeper and Blind Seer escort Elise Archer and her handpicked diplomatic team into New Kelvin, then assist them with their investigations.
The last time Firekeeper and her friends visited New Kelvin, they ended up fleeing as hunted fugitives, but this may be the least difficulty upon their return. Firekeeper is plagued with visions featuring the comet that streaks through the skies. These feed her growing sense that to continue interacting with humans will eventually lead to the transformation of the wild Beasts into nothing more than human tools. Doubt is a new enemy to Firekeeper – one that threatens even her bond with her beloved companion, the wolf, Blind Seer.
Jane Lindskold is the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of over 25 novels and seventy-some short stories. She lives in New Mexico, where she is always writing something.