Eugene Franz Salvador
Public school has always had an established dresscode that the students are supposed to follow closely. Girls can’t wear shorts that are above fingertip length, Boys can’t wear muscle tees, hats, etc… Despite all the rules and handbooks, one thing I can’t grasp is how there are no rules regarding “costume wearing” in the classroom. For example, today in class I wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I was later sent to the office and had to sit in an empty classroom for 5 hours of the day. Yet, in the same class I got sent out of, there was a boy wearing a dog collar, skirt, a tail, and a hat which had fur coming out of it. Not only is this a disruption to the class, but it violates one of the student handbook rules which is no hats in the building. While he received no punishment, I was singled out to my whole class. But this isn’t the only problem with the furries; in the halls I have seen them bark, scream, run, and “groom” eachother. Banning furries and fur suits would not only make