In a world where humanity has disappeared, and where feelings are only a myth, a new era dominated by robots is born. In the city of Oxterion1, RObb7, a young android belonging to the Chain, the lowest category of society, is unaware that his future is about to change, and that he will unintentionally activate a mechanism that will take him on an adventure that will forever change his destiny, and that of the entire world. And it all begins with a simple detail, which is that at night, while the other robots are inactivated as they recharge, RObb7 dreams…
Seekers of Destiny is the first book of Hearts of Iron, a science fiction adventure saga that shows us how the most insignificant individual can find within themselves the courage to change everything. A story of friendship, a classic hero, a legend of the future.
Javier Santolobo is a writer and journalist, and after years of success with his saga Hearts of Iron in Spanish, with more than half a million followers worldwide, now he brings us the international version in English, translated by Emily McPeek.