In this highly anticipated second installment in the Black Girls Must Die Exhausted series, Tabitha Walker copes with more of life’s challenges and a happy surprise—a baby—with a little help and lots of love from friends old and new.
For Tabitha Walker, her grandmother’s old adage, “Black girls must die exhausted” is becoming all too true. Discovering she’s pregnant—after she was told she may not be able to have biological children—Tabitha throws herself headfirst into the world of “single mothers by choice.” Between her job, doctor’s appointments, and preparing for the baby, she’s worn out. And that’s before her boss at the local news station starts getting complaints from viewers about Tabitha’s natural hair.
When an unexpected turn of events draws Marc—her on and off-again ex-boyfriend—back into her world with surprising demands, and the situation at work begins to threaten her livelihood and her identity, Tabitha must make some tough decisions about her and her baby’s future. It takes a village to raise a child, and Tabitha turns to the women who have always been there for her.
Bolstered by the fierce support of Ms. Gretchen, her grandmother’s best friend, the counsel of her closest friends Laila and Alexis, and the calming presence of her doula Andouele, Tabitha must find a way to navigate motherhood on her own terms. Will she harness the bravery, strength, and self-love she’ll need to keep “the village” together, find her voice at work, and settle things with Marc before the baby arrives?
Jayne Allen is a writer, producer, entrepreneur, and forever recovering lawyer. She is a proud native of Detroit and graduate of Duke University and Harvard Law School. Purposeful in centering and celebrating black women's societal contributions, Allen crafts transcultural stories exploring contemporary issues such as modern relationships, workplace and career dynamics, and the complexities of race. Her common themes include mental and physical health and highlight the importance of self-love and self-care—all with a healthy dose of warmth and humor. Allen is also the author of the bestselling Black Girls Must Die Exhausted trilogy, currently being adapted for television. She lives in Los Angeles.