This book describes the current tools for spectrum management with their fundamental technical and legal basis. It outlines the global evolution of radio services in their different application domains and introduces the actors who contribute to the collective management of the spectrum. It also discusses the main questions these actors have to deal with and answer in order to design for the future.
Gérard Pogorel is Professor of Economics and Management at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, (ENST, Paris).Beforehand, he has acted as an evaluator, auditor, and reviewer for the NSF, Harvard Business Review, Research Policy and EU research programs in Information and Communications Technologies. He also has been a frequent member of government-level committees shaping spectrum policies in Europe and internationally, a member of monitoring committees (composed of independent experts) of the EU Framework Research Programme, Chair of the Monitoring Panel, Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the European Union Information Society and Technologies Research Programme.