Jean-Pierre Deschamps received an MS degree in electrical engineering from the University of Louvain, Belgium, in 1967, the PhD in computer science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, in 1983, and a PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1984. He worked in several companies and universities. He is currently a professor at the University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. His research interests include ASIC and FPGA design, digital arithmetic and cryptography. He is the author of eight books (see the last section) and more than a hundred international papers. Gustavo Sutter received an MS degree in Computer Science from State University UNCPBA of Tandil (Buenos Aires) Argentina, and a PhD degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. He has been a professor at the UNCPBA Argentina and is currently a professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid Spain. His research interests include ASIC and FPGA design, digital arithmetic, and development of embedded systems. He is the author of two books and about fifty international papers and communications. Enrique Cantó received an MS degree in electronic engineering (1995) and a PhD in electronic engineering (2001), both from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Spain. He has been a professor at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Spain, and is currently a professor at the University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. His research interests include ASIC and FPGA design, development of embedded systems, and dynamic reconfiguration of programmable devices. He is the author of about fifty international papers and communications.