Ray Breckford faces a cataclysmic future, an end of times marching slowly but unyieldingly forward. Mysteriously, all mammals face a barrier to conception. Scientists and engineers explore theories in hopes of explaining the mystifying condition, but they fail to discover any answers. People of the world are somewhat slow to accept the dilemma, but when they do, panic erupts.
Ray witnesses terror and confusion unfold as governments across the globe react to the crisis. Decisions meant to protect the innocent grow beyond the scope of their original intentions. Policies initially designed to guard the welfare of certain citizens lead to even greater turmoil.
As Ray searches for safety and sanctuary within the mayhem, he faces difficult questions regarding his own role in the dwindling legacy of humankind. Ray does not seek the attention, but his unwillingness to ignore the plight of friends and strangers places him within a struggle for control and security. While he realizes he cannot prevent civilization from entering the abyss, he attempts to save one small piece of humanity in hopes of grasping a ray of light for a darkening future.