The book features artists such as Steve Rolston, famed artist of Ghost Projekt, independent comics veteran Colin Upton, alternative poet Ray Hsu and Israeli-American cartoonist Miriam Libicki. These stories take the reader to all points of the globe, from wartime Germany to modern Uganda, from the tip of the Matterhorn to deep beneath the Gulf Stream, from the other side of the world to just down the street. You meet students, soldiers, and scientists; businessmen, teachers, and priests; people from every imaginable profession, each following their own path.
Jeff is a recent graduate of Capilano Universities IDEA program with Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication. Since childhood visual storytelling has been his passion. Through his involvement in the Cloudscape Comics Society (a non-profit he founded) Jeff has more than ten years of experience in project management, print production, publishing, and administration. He has managed the production of more than ten different printed graphic novels many of which contain his own work. He has also produced multiple books of his own work, most notably “Teach English In Japan”, which is based on his own experience teaching English in Japan for three years.
Jeff’s website is at