Ice cream goddess and perennial life of the party, Trixie Tran lives life large, from her eclectic wardrobe to her offbeat perspective on, well...everything. No one knows her carefully crafted persona evolved after one life-changing summer during her teens, when a need to belong led to falling for Chase Owens, who betrayed her trust. Now, years later, Mr. Wrong has come to her tiny town of Lost Harbor...and he’s not leaving until Trixie gives him what he wants.
With his young daughter in tow, rescue trainer Mac Brindisi is in Alaska to fulfill a short-term contract. Romance isn’t part of the plan. He’s also built a career—literally—out of shutting people out of his life. Despite that fact, he’d have to be dead inside not to notice the sexy siren who owns the local ice cream shop. When some rich jerk from her past sails into town, all his protective instincts are activated...and then some.
Turns out Chase is no ordinary rich jerk. Dealing with him will take all of Mac’s well as courage Trixie didn’t know she had. Can she afford to put her trust in a man again? Or is Mac just another smitten-in-summer mistake waiting to happen?