The first essay speaks to the need for the unity Fr. Kurz has lived so well. The next three essays illuminate the kind of scholarship typical of Fr. Kurz’s career: one tracks the key verb “choose” across Luke-Acts; another investigates the dinner at Emmaus through an interpretation of Caravaggio’s famous painting; a third explores how we should imagine the everyday life of ordinary people in the seven cities that first received the book of Revelation. The next two essays, together with the final essay of the volume, examine the necessary union of exegesis and faith: one cannot separate exegesis of the human events of Scripture from the theological meaning of the text, because human agency cannot be separated from the action of the divine agency. The remaining essays highlight how faith-filled scholarship should feed action: one interprets the relevance of Genesis 1–3 for a theology of work, and another argues that the early chapters of Genesis are still relevant for morality today; a third essay highlights the role of the charisms of the Spirit in the Christian life, reflecting Fr. Kurz’s own background in the charismatic movement; lastly, one essay describes Fr. Kurz’s long life of action in the pro-life movement.
Written and assembled by friends, colleagues, students, and long-time friends of Fr. Kurz, this festschrift honors his accomplishments and mirrors his virtues.
Jeremy Holmes is Associate Professor of Theology at Wyoming Catholic College. He holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College, a Masters Degree in Sacred Theology from the International Theological Institute in Gaming, Austria, and a Ph.D. in theology with a concentration in the New Testament from Marquette University. He is a founding board member of The Aquinas Institute and has published a translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.
Kent Lasnoski is Associate Professor of Theology at Wyoming Catholic College. He is the author of Vocation to Virtue: Christian Marriage as a Consecrated Way, as well as articles in biomedical ethics and sexual ethics. He co-edits the book reviews for the Journal of Moral Theology, is a founding board member of the journal Dappled Things, and is a member of the Academy of Catholic Theology.