Tebow Time: Insights on Winning from Football’s Rising Star presents quotations from Tim Tebow on varied topics and couples them with an “In Context” analysis from the book’s editor. These quotations are culled from numerous interviews, press conferences, and profile pieces from various points in Tebow’s career, and give fans and critics a deeper insight into who he is and what drives him to excel. With an in-depth introductory essay examining Tebow as an individual, a football player, and a cultural phenomenon, this book will delight fans of this rare and humble football icon.
Among the topics Tebow discusses are: Anxiety; Being a Role Model; Belief; Biblical Role Models; Compassion; Controlling Emotions; Dealing with Critics; Decision-Making; Enjoying Life; Eye Black Scriptures; Faith; First Impressions; Fitness; God’s Sovereignty; Handling Fame; Hard Work; How to Improve America; Humility; Integrity; Learning from Failure; Living by Faith; Living with Passion; Most Important Thing in Life; Never Giving Up; Nutrition; Orphans; Preaching; Pride; Pushing Yourself to the Limit; Self-Discipline; Sexual Purity; Sharing the Credit; Spreading the Gospel; Staying Grounded; Supporting Teammates; “Tebowing”; Trash Talking; Victory; Visiting Suffering Fans and much more.
“The game doesn’t really matter. I mean, I’ll give 100 percent of my heart to win it, but in the end, the thing I most want to do is not win championships or make a lot of money, it’s to invest in people’s lives, to make a difference.” —Tim Tebow