Edited by Jie Jack Li and Nobel laureate E. J. Corey, two leading pioneers in drug discovery and medicinal chemistry, this book synthesizes great moments in history, the current state of the science, and future directions of drug discovery into one expertly written and organized work. Exploring all major therapeutic areas, the book introduces readers to all facets and phases of drug discovery, including target selection, biological testing, drug metabolism, and computer-assisted drug design.
Drug Discovery features chapters written by an international team of pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists. Contributions are based on a thorough review of the current literature as well as the authors' firsthand laboratory experience in drug discovery. The book begins with the history of drug discovery, describing groundbreaking moments in the field. Next, it covers such topics as:
Each chapter features a case study, helping readers understand how science is put into practice throughout all phases of drug discovery. References at the end of each chapter serve as a gateway to groundbreaking original research studies and reviews in the field.
Drug Discovery is ideal for newcomers to medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, providing a comprehensive overview of the field. Veterans in the field will also benefit from the perspectives of leading international experts in all aspects of drug discovery.
JIE JACK LI, PhD, is a chemist at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. He has authored or edited several books published by Wiley, including Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Name Reactions for Functional Group Transformations, Name Reactions for Homologations (Part I and Part II), Name Reactions for Carbocyclic Ring Formations, Contemporary Drug Synthesis, The Art of Drug Synthesis, and Modern Drug Synthesis.
E. J. COREY, PhD, has been a Professor at Harvard University since 1959. The 1990 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Dr. Corey has also been the recipient of more than seventy international awards and honorary degrees, including the U.S. National Medal of Science, the Japan Prize in Science, and the Priestley Medal. Author of more than 1,500 publications, he is one of the most cited authors in science.