Jim Pascoe is a writer, designer, and an award-winning creative director. His comics credits include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hellboy Animated, and the original series Undertown—which was originally published by TOKYOPOP, put out as a book-fair edition by Scholastic, and distributed by Universal Press Syndicate to over fifty newspapers worldwide. He lives in Los Angeles, where he drinks coffee, sleeps very little, and believes in magic.
Heidi Arnhold is an illustrator and sequential artist whose published works have involved popular franchises like Star Trek, The Dark Crystal, and Fraggle Rock. She began working on Cottons with writer Jim Pascoe in 2010. The art in this book is powered by Heidi's love for visual storytelling, all rabbits, and kale smoothies. She currently resides in Seattle with her husband, one adorable bunny, and a blender that makes kale smoothies.