You've heard about the Rapture. You've probably read about what will happen to the people who are left behind on earth. But did you know the Bible has even more to say about those who will go with Jesus when He comes? The Rapture isn't scary or confusing. For people who believe in Jesus, it will be the best day of their lives, and things will only get better after that. Once we see Jesus, nothing will ever be the same. So look up! Jesus is about to redeem everything about us!
In Look Up!: Awaiting the Rapture and Our Final Redemption, end-times prophecy expert, Pastor Jimmy Evans, tells us the Bible reveals exactly what we can expect when Jesus returns for His bride, the Church. The Rapture isn't dreadful news, but it is great news because Jesus is bringing total redemption to His followers! In Look Up!, you will discover:
• God's eternal plan for humanity
• How Jesus will change you immediately
• What heaven will be like for all eternity
Your future is better and brighter than you know or can even imagine.
Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages.
For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. During his time as senior pastor the church grew from 900 to over 10,000 members. Jimmy loves mentoring pastors and helping local churches grow to reach their potential. He is a popular speaker at churches and leadership conferences across America.
Jimmy has written more than twenty books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four Laws of Love, 21 Day Inner Healing Journey, Tipping Point, and Where Are the Missing People.
Jimmy and Karen have been married for 49 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.
Attorney Mark Hitchcock thought his career was set after graduating from law school. But after what Mark calls a "clear call to full-time ministry," he changed course and went to Dallas Theological Seminary, completing master's and doctoral degrees. Since 1991, Mark has authored numerous books, serves as senior pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma and is also an Associate Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. Mark and his wife, Cheryl, live in Edmond with their family.