Joan Magee, a life-long resident of Windsor, is a desendent of British and European Loyalists. Her roots stretch back to the sixteenth century and seventeenth century Souther Netherlands. Fluent in Dutch, she has actively promoted the study of the Dutch language and culture in Ontario by founding the Netherlandic Press, a publishing house specializing in Dutch-Canadian literary and historical works. She also founded the Windsor Dutch School, under the auspices of the Heritage Language programme, Multiculturalism Canada. In 1971 she co-founded the Windsor chapter of the Canadian Association for the Advancement o Netherlandic Studies, and between 1978 and 1982 she severed as national secretary and is now President Emerita. Magee has also taught Scandinavian Studies at the University of Windsor, where she is currently a reference librarian. This is her fourth book for Dundurn Press. Her previous works include A Dutch Heritage (1983), Loyalist Mosaic (1984), and A Scandinavian Heritage (1985).