You can also call: 1-888-344-2355 (Joel Comiskey Group). Jesus lived with His disciples for three years and taught them essential life lessons as a group. After three years, he commanded them to "go and do likewise" (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus discipled His followers through relationships-and He wants us to do the same. We in the west, on the other hand, prepare lone-ranger disciples based on our culture of individualism. This book will detail how our culture of individualism has now turned into isolationism and that social relationships are at an all-time low. The church of Jesus Christ has also been negatively impacted through a brand of individualism that fails to truly make disciples. This book will encourage Christ-followers to allow God to mold them through the natural relationships of life: family, friends, work relationships, church, cells, etc. It will explain how God uses the relationships in our lives to mold and shape us into His disciples. The book will cover such themes as: --New Testament Community --The Problem of Isolation --Relationship with God --Relationship with those closest to you (spouse, family --Relationship with friends and work associates --Relationships through small group ministry --Relationships in the local church --Relationships with the un-churched This book will demonstrate how God uses relationships to mold and shape followers of Jesus. My hope is that God will use this book to help readers see that He is using the natural relationships in their lives to mold and shape them into followers of Jesus.