This book reponds to the increasing demand of computer mo- delling of electrochemical processes in order to improve their speed and efficiency. The fundamental transport equa- tions in dilute solutions are given and it is established in detail under what circumstances a potential model with non- linear boundary conditions, involved by electrode reactions, can beused. Attention is directed towards the most impor- tant solution techniquesFEM, FDM and BEM and towards the solution of the non-linear system of equations (Successive Substitution, Newton-Raphson). Using the BEM, several two- dimensional and axisymmetrical examples of current density distributions are given and quantitative data, obtained in a copper electro-refining cell, are compared with calculated results. Applying Faraday's Law and the BEM, simulation of electro-deposition, electro-chemical levelling and machining are treated. Accuracy and stabilityare emphasized.