Preliminary material /Editors Exiles Traveling -- List of Contributors/Anschriften der Autorinnen und Autoren /Editors Exiles Traveling -- Preface /Johannes F. Evelein -- Traveling Exiles, Exilic Travel - Conceptual Encounters /Johannes F. Evelein -- On Time and Space in Exile - Past, Present and Future in a No-Man's Land /Wulf Koepke -- Jüdisches Exil in Ostasien, vor allem in Japan (1933-1945) /Thomas Pekar -- German and Austrian Exile Literature in Belgium 1933-1945. Topography and Perspectives /Hubert Roland -- Fern-Weh. Wolfgang Hildesheimer's Novels Tynset and Masante as Topographical Reflections of the Exile Experience /Henrike Walter -- Paul Zech's Exotic Travels in South America /Donald G. Daviau -- The German Exile Experience in Brazil from the Perspective of Arnold van Gennep's Les rites de passage /Reinhard Andress -- Chronotopoi und Kindheitserinnerung: Europareisen im amerikanischen Exilwerk von Klaus Mann /Susanne Utsch -- Definitions of Exile. Unwilling Tourist (1941-1942): Adolf Hoffmeister's Odyssey into Emigration (1939-1940) /Jörg Thunecke -- Criss-Crossings of Robert Siodmak: The Time and Space of Cinematic Exile /Laura Heins -- The Nazi Envoy: Travel Experiences of the Poet Hans Friedrich Blunck in Great Britain and France, 1935 and 1937 /W. Scott Hoerle -- Traveltalks in Music - Von Mahlers Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen zu Eislers Hollywooder Liederbuch und darüber hinaus /Primavera Driessen Gruber -- Themes of Exile in the Music and Public and Private Writings of Arnold Schoenberg (1930-1945) /Lisa Hooper -- Transit/Transfer/Transgression: Das Erzählen von "Ent-Ortung" in Anna Seghers' Erzählungen (1924-1980) /Patrick B. Farges -- "Kahl und wild wie ein Mondgebirge" - Exile and Mind Travel in Anna Seghers' The Excursion of the Dead Girls /Birgit Maier-Katkin -- Aimless Travels: Deromanticizing Exile in Irmgard Keun's Kind aller Länder (1938) /Helga Schreckenberger -- Exil und Reisen im Geiste - Rudolf Leonhards Traumbuch des Exils /Margot Taureck -- "Jetzt stocke ich in zwei Zungen" - The Influence of Exile and Travel on Themes, Language and Literary Style in the Writings of Members of Das Jüngste Deutschland /Karina Lindeiner-Stráský -- Involuntary and Voluntary Travel in Egon Schwarz's Unfreiwillige Wanderjahre and Die japanische Mauer /Jacqueline Vansant -- Index /Editors Exiles Traveling.