Max J Antoine
The author must have an unpleasant experience with the order based on the path he has taken to find the light, otherwise he would not have tried to impose his personal opinion to the masonic institution in that fashion. what the author points out in this book is his own critics. Comparison of 'Masonery Salvation by work vs Christianity Salvation by grace alone' is no difference from the christian brothers who pass judgements among themselves for not following the teaching of some biblical verses such as Seventh Advantists who believe in keeping the 10 commendements (moral laws) Vs Evangelical christians who believe otherwise. Masonery teaches its members to seek lights on his/her own. Individuall to seek light based on his own desire not on the institution. Masonery is not in the business of saving souls or selling heaven. The author knows well Masonry is not a religion. Everything comes down to each individual, no matter which path he or she has taken. In the end everyone will be rewarded according to his/her own deed. The author misses the point. Remember many christians denominations have their own interpretations of the verses that the author has used to disqualified masons from going to heaven. If that the case none of us will go there. What is going to happen to the many brothers and sisters from other belief systems who are doing everything possible to go to Heaven? hmmm Grace is a free gift; but being called christians don't give anyone the advantage of going to Heaven over other group of people who are trying to serve their Creator by the way they know how. By the way noone alive know for sure where they will end up. For those of us who believe in a heaven after we pass on, can't tell for sure where we will end up because we only believe. Believing is not knowing and the author of this book knows this fact well. By the way I do not care what anybody believes. I do not write this comment to show that I am supporting masonry or christianity. I am far from that and i don't have any theological crediantial to pass any judments. I am tired of believers who think they know the right way that lead to Heaven without ever being there themselves. Any claimed inspired text, whether in the bible or anywhere else was written by flesh and blood, mortal men and women like me. Please stop criticising our institutions. Wait until we die then we will know for ourselves, alone.
Rf Muth
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Poorly researched, misinformed and simply false. This Christian is either very ignorant, deluded, or a liar. Whichever the case, the author discredits God and should repent.
Michael Johnson
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Poorly researched, unsupported conclusions.
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