Failure to comprehend these simple biblical facts has robbed millions of Christians of spiritually enriching insight. They have missed the true picture of the Messiah because they have overlooked the details clearly present in the Apostolic Scriptures.
Restoring the Hebraic foundations of the Christian faith is vital in this time when the Holy Spirit is leading believers back to long-neglected truth. Your life will be enriched as you understand the Jewish Jesus in his scriptural, historical, and cultural context.
The Hem of His Garment presents these vivid images of the rich Hebraic tradition of the life and ministry of Jesus: A Mark of Remembrance; God Is With You; The Blessing Covering; A Garment of Light; A Prayer Closet; Healing Wings.
John D. Garr, Ph.D., is founder and president of Hebraic Christian Global Community (, an international, multiethnic, and transdenominational networking organization that serves as a publishing and educational resource to the Christian church at large. He is also founder and chancellor of Hebraic Heritage Christian College ( An academician with a pastor's heart, Dr. Garr is able to contextualize biblical truths in terms that laypersons can understand them. He challenges believers to a biblically sound, Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of Jesus and the apostles.