The Science of Living With Friendship and Peace
Table of Content
The Pleasure of Lasting Friendships.
What Do We Expect from Our Friends.
What Does it Take to be a Friend
A Good Friend is Always There for You
Friendships Affecting Relationships at Home
The Golden Rules about Friendship
Golden Principle Number One – No Loose Talk
Golden Principle Number Two – Friends taking advantage?
Misunderstandings Among Friends
Social Life And Personal Life
Peace Among Mankind
Author Bio
The Science of Living is a new way of life, in which you are going to live your life, learning from the examples and experience of the people around you. Life is for living, not just for existing. And this life is for living Emperor size, holding every moment precious, because once it is gone, it is lost in the mists of the past. So, our Science of Living series give you lots of information of how you can live life fully, and enjoy the action of living on this earth, at this moment.
This is the third book in the series. And this talks about living with friendship and peace. Peace is an ephemeral thing, which everybody wishes, but it is so elusive. For millenniums people have been seeking ways to gain peace among mankind, but that is only possible when they understand the meaning of friendship. And man is naturally and genetically inclined not to hold out his hand in friendship to another one not of his race, caste, Creed, area or religion, because of his upbringing, innate bias, genetic instinct, history, or anything else which makes him feel, “I do not want you as my friend.”
I do not like thee Dr. Fell
Why this is so I cannot tell
But this I know fully well
I do not like thee Dr. Fell.
Charles Lamb said this more than two centuries ago, but thinking about this, anyone can understand why people do not like others instinctively. There is no logical rhyme or reason for this – like or dislike. But there is something which tells them that friendly relationships with that particular person is going to harm them or going to cause them emotional, physical, mental or spiritual trouble. And that is the reason why so many of us do not make friends at all.
This book is going to give you information on how you can cherish and nourish peace and friendship, and thus understand the basis of the Science of Living and living Emperor size