A Google user
It is an interesting study, the biggest problem I have found is that the writer Dr John F. Walvoord deliberately ignores the many scriptures that speak of the works and power of the Holy Spirit even in and after the time of Paul the Holy Spirits work clear into the second century and onwards even to this day 07/03/2012.
He leaves out any time or period when this was to have happened, that is when the Holy Spirit left ????.. My reading of scripture is different in many areas, one of which where the scripture tells us that when the Holy Spirit leaves as it says clearly He will - Hang on to your hats if you are still around.
Dispensational Premillennialism
I suppose that the teaching of J N Darby on Premillenialism might have something to do with the proclamation of this idea that the Holy Spirit is no longer functioning with the People of God and has left us all to our own devises. This teaching is received and has general been accepted by most Fundamentalists and other Evangelical Christians after the publishing of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. Needless to say, even Scofield eventually uncovered the heresy of both issues and others that I mention and left the Brethren Cult of which Dr John F. Walvoord was a ardent supporter .
As in Historic Premillennialism, the Tribulation is believed to precede the second coming of Christ, and the subsequent establishment of the millennial kingdom therefore we will not need the Holy Spirit because we will not be here on this earth to worry about the tribulation; or events in that theme.
I find it strange that he like many others of this train of thought, persist and insist that we do not need the gifts of the Holy Spirit any more.. due to the fact that we are well informed and just solid in the scripture, unlike the early apostles. (What a cheak) I wonder what planet he and they are living on
Here are some thoughts.
(1) more Christians are being murdered in this century for their faith than in any time since the Time of Christ
(2) More Children are sold into slavery that any time since the Time of Christ
(3) more dictators have slaughtered more people in the last 100 years that any time since the Time of Christ
(4) more wars, deaths and executions of Christians for their faith are committed each week that any time since the Time of Constentine - I include the murder of millions of Christians in the early centuries by the Catholic Church
(5) More police, Judges, News Papers, Civil Servants, Lawyers and leaders of Nations have been caught in the act of immorality and deception than any time since the Time of Christ
(6) More Christian / religious leaders teach, propagate, print and ignore the scripture than in any time since the Time of Christ
(7) More ministers of the so called Gospel of Jesus Christ have been caught in theft, deception, abuse, lies and cover ups than in any time since the Time of Christ
(8) More churches have driven away more people and locked them out of the church because they question the leaders teaching, actions and ways they control the people. (See below the list I have concocted for your perusal - Needless to say the Scripture tells us to test and prove all things) than in any time since the Time of Christ
All of the theories that have been proposed about the timing of the Rapture the leaving this world of the Holy Spirit appear to contradict many passages in the Sacred Holy scriptures. -Whats that word about he who add's / or takes away form the WORD? If we ever needed the Holy Spirit it is Now!!..
When even our leaders of both church and state tell us that God is a nice guy or just a figment of ones imagination ..We need the Holy Spirit in power and now.
Concocted list
(a) Everyone who comes into 'Their building' must understand that God lives here, this is his house so be respectful and quiet.
(i) I have taught for years that The members of the body of Christ are the Temple of God, not a building. I was also taught that the reason we have church