Beresford who had first thought Shoults objective would be the town of Albuera, saw he was mistaken, and therefore deployed troops to thwart Shoults spearhead. It was every man for himself now with fierce hand- to -hand fighting. The conflict now became an overwhelming fight for survival. Turning to look for Robbie, I had to be alert for a French bayonet or a Polish lance would have been through me. The carnage continued, with bodies from both camps, dead and wounded lying amongst dead cavalry horses. If you had been in hell you would have been in a better place. With another quick look for Robbie I spotted him alongside Matt Hayes and Will Smith, the three of them disabling a Polish lancers horse, and then after pulling him to the ground, all three bayoneting him. The carnage increased, when in desperation the French artillery opened up again with a bombardment in our direction, killing both French and allied soldiers. You could see and hear the canon balls, as they flew past our heads, some connecting causing decapitation.