On Gifts and Offices in the Church.
The House of God; the Body of Christ; and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
What is the Church, as it was at the beginning?
The Church - the House and the Body
Matthew 16
Reply to the remarks in two leading articles of the Christian Journal entitled "Our Separating Brethren."
The claims of the Church of England considered;
Review of a sermon preached by the Rev. G. M. Innes,
What the Christian has amid the ruin of the Church;
On Ecclesiastical Independency
Remarks upon "The British Churches in relation to the British people; by E. Miall."
Presbyterianism: a reply to "The Church and the Pulpit."
On the subject of the Law, the Sabbath, Ministry, and the Sacraments.
Dr. Capadose and the Dutch Reformed Church
What is a Sect?