Silent No More: A Christian Response to Suicide examines how scripture, spiritual practices, and congregations can address suicide. Religion / spirituality is frequently listed as a strong protective factor against suicide. Years of research, studies, and literature show that religion / spirituality is even stronger when beliefs, religious activity, and community are engaged to support people at risk of suicide. Religion / spirituality must be fully integrated into suicide prevention plans and efforts if a total wellness approach of spirit, mind, and body are to be utilized.
The book also addresses that Christian congregations must have love-soaked people who are ready to provide community and fellowship to hurting people inside and outside of the church doors. The author concludes the book with seven steps that will enable congregations and churches leaders to help those who are at risk of suicide. These strategies can make simple strides to address suicide and help hurting people in any community.
It is time for Christian communities to rejoin the battle against suicide. Christianity has a rich legacy of caring for people in crisis, historically having started hospitals, mental health centers, and compassionate care ministries. There is a way for Christianity to regain its voice and care for people at risk of suicide. It is time for Christians to be silent no more.
John is an Army chaplain, a Christian pastor, and a Religion professor. He has pastored churches in the Midwest since 2002. John has overseas deployment experience and has conducted over 100 suicide interventions for service members, veterans, and military families. Chaplain Potter has served on the Governor's Behavioral Health Services Planning Council Suicide Prevention Subcommittee; the Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide for Service Members, Veterans, & Families Initiative; and the American Association of Suicidology’s Military & Veteran Committee.
John is known for his scholarly acumen and pastor’s heart. He is a popular suicide prevention trainer, speaker, and author who strongly believes that suicide is preventable, saving lives is possible, and that you can make a difference in the life of others.
John studied at Kansas State University and Nazarene Theological Seminary before earning a Doctor of Ministry degree in Spiritual Formation from Azusa Pacific Seminary.