Whilst price risk management is possible under certain circumstances, there are many factors that can prevent the development of forward markets or cause them to collapse, thus undermining the ability to manage price risk within acceptable risk and return parameters. Market positions therefore need to be valued and often settled daily due to the risk of contract default. In addition, the issue of currency risk and its management applies to international market positions and transactional exposures.
The book analyses a range of price risk management strategies from forward contracting through to futures and options hedging, and finally to over-the-counter products. Evaluation techniques are developed to aid decision-making. The author concludes that forward market development may be the exception rather than the norm, and that whilst favourable price risk management outcomes may be possible, they can sometimes be caused more by luck than through good management. It is shown how tactics are an important consideration in decision-making to minimize costs and losses.
John Williams is Executive Director of the Food and Fibre Supply Chain Institute, Senior Researcher and Consultant at the Australian Commodity Research Institute, Member of the Institute of Public Affairs, and Fellow in Agribusiness at Marcus Oldham College, Geelong, Australia. He is the author of Competition and Efficiency in International Food Supply Chains (Routledge, 2012), which was shortlisted for the 2013 Commodity Business Award: Commodity Market Policy & Advisory Award.