Jolie and Scoobie High School Misadventures

· Elaine Orr
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When Jolie Gentil’s parents leave her with Aunt Madge for her junior year so they can ‘work things out’ in their marriage, she’s angry. She knows no one at Ocean Alley High School. Some kids snub her, but she makes friends with the irreverent Scoobie. He’s quirky and fun, but he’s skipped school and smoked pot in the past, so people avoid him. Jolie learns how to shoot a squirt gun from under the boardwalk and tries not to flunk geometry. She also learns that the family she babysits for has a secret, one that puts Jolie in danger. You’ve met Jolie and Scoobie as crime-solving adults. Check out their high school friendship. Same humor, different challenges. Plus a couple of hints about why Jolie wants to get to the bottom of murders when she’s all grown up.

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Elaine L. Orr is the Amazon bestselling author of three cozy mystery series: the Jolie Gentil series at the Jersey shore, and the River’s Edge series along Iowa’s Des Moines River. The new Logland series features a small-town Illinois police chief – with a cozy feel. Behind the Walls was a 2014 Chanticleer Mystery and Mayhem Award finalist, and Demise of a Devious Neighbor a 2017 finalist. What she calls reflective fiction includes several novellas, including Falling Into Place and In the Shadow of Light.


Elaine conducts workshops and does online classes with Teachable. She is a member of Sisters in Crime.

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