Dr. Joost (Jordi) Nelis obtained a BSc. in general Biology at the University of Antwerp in Belgium and a MSc. in Biotechnology specializing in Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry. He later joined a H2020 Marie Curie project for his PhD in analytical biochemistry at Queen's University Belfast (UK). During his PhD Jordi developed various smartphone-hyphenated biosensors for the detection of food contaminants utilizing electrochemical, colorimetric and plasmonic transducers. After his PhD Dr. Nelis joined the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia (CSIRO). At CSIRO his research focusses on integrating mass spectrometry and novel data science workflows with cutting edge portable sensors to enable automated, in-situ credential verification. Dr. Nelis is passionate about doing research that contributes to a better and sustainable future and his intense research activity has resulted in the publication of 16 peer-reviewed publications in high impact factor journals and one patent. Dr. Nelis currently leads several interdisciplinary initiatives that aim to solve complex challenges and generate measurable impact in the global food security and biosecurity sectors by providing fit-for-purpose sensing solutions.
Dr. Aristeidis (Aris) Tsagkaris obtained a master’s degree in Food Science and Technology from the Agricultural University of Athens in 2015. Following that, he also received a master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2017. Upon master studies completion, he moved to Prague, Czech Republic as a Marie-Curie fellow, where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Food Chemistry and Analysis at the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT). Dr. Tsagkaris is focused on analytical method development to enhance food safety and authenticity. Up to date (10/2022), he has showed intensive research activity which resulted in 22 papers (more than 600 citations, h-index 12) in international peer-review journals, 4 book chapters and more than 20 conference papers. Currently, Dr. Tsagkaris is an assistant professor at UCT working on the development of rapid and cost-efficient methods as well as bioactivity studies focusing on phytochemicals. Last but not least, besides research work, he has been actively involved into the pedagogical activities of the Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition in UCT including supervision of pre-graduate students.