Friedrich Pillichshammer is an Associate Professor in the Institute for Financial Mathematics and Applied Number Theory at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. He is an author with Josef Dick of the book “Digital Nets and Sequences - Discrepancy Theory and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods” and with Gunther Leobacher of the book “Introduction to Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration and Applications”. Friedrich Pillichshammer’s work is devoted to the theory and foundations of quasi-Monte Carlo methods. This comprises his research work but also teaching experience. For his work he received several honors. Examples are the Information-Based-Complexity award, a best paper award from the Journal of Complexity and awards from the Austrian Mathematical Society and from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is member of scientific committees and editorial boards like the steering committee of the MCQMC conference series, the editorial board of the Journal of Complexity and Managing Editor of the journal Uniform Distribution theory.