This fully updated handbook lays out complex antenna fundamentals in simple terms for ham and short wave radio hobbyists and electronics technicians. The book begins with quick explanations of present day antenna theories and practices before providing start-to-finish instruction on the fabrication and installation of real antennas. You will explore every type of antenna system—from VHF/UHF to mobile/wireless and everything in between.
Practical Antenna Handbook, Sixth Edition bridges the gap between the highly theoretical mathematics of antenna engineers and the “hands-on” focus of radio amateurs and experimenters. The book covers key areas such as multiple antenna families, inexpensive or free software modeling tools, and “near-professional” network analyzers. You will get coverage of new antenna types for low-frequency applications only now being opened to radio amateurs.
George W.(Bud) Hippisley, W2RU, earned his BSEE degree from MIT, and was formerly chiefoperating officer for a major supplier of electronics to the cable TV industry.A long-time active amateur radio operator who has won or ranked nationally inmany competitive on-the-air operating events, he has given talks on the basicsof antennas and ionospheric propagation to radio clubs and other groups formore than 35 years.
JosephCarr (deceased)was a military electronics technician and the author of severalpopular electronics books, including McGraw-Hill’s Secrets of RFDesign, Third Edition; Old Time Radios! Restoration and Repair.He wrote a monthly column for Nuts & Volts magazine.
Karl F.Warnick, PhD, is professor of Electrical and ComputerEngineering at Brigham Young University.