Joshua Glenn: Joshua Glenn is a Boston-based journalist and scholar. He has labored as a bicycle shop manager and skateboard courier, a busboy and barrel-washer, a researcher and teacher, a handyman and house painter, a bartender and espresso jerk, and also as a magazine and newspaper editor. He lives in Boston.
Mark Kingwell: After some years of graduate studies in Britain and the United States, Mark Kingwell found he had inadvertently perfected a form of idling for which he could get paid. He is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, a contributing editor of Harper's Magazine, including the author of fifteen books.
(Pseud) Seth: Seth is the cartoonist behind the painfully infrequent comic book series Palookaville. His books include It's a Good Life if You Don't Weaken, Wimbledon Green, Bannock, Beans and Black Tea, and Clyde Fans Book One. His books have been translated into five languages.