Enrolling in Medicare is like being blindfolded and asked to navigate a maze you've never seen before with a crowd all yelling out different directions to you. All the while knowing the consequences of a wrong decision can last a lifetime.Medicare Made Easy breaks down each component of Medicare and walks you through, step by step, providing the resources you need along the way. With basic definitions and extensive information, this book compiles the most valuable information into one easy to read place. Everything you need to know about Medicare is at your disposal.
This book dives into the difference between:
• What You Need to Know About Medicare
• General Medicare Overview
• Medicare Part A
• Medicare Part B
• Medigap
• Medicare Advantage
• Structuring Income for Medicare Purposes
• PACE Coverage
• Medicare Appeals
• Where to Go for Extra Information
Employing the strategies in this book can help you save tens of thousands of dollars in premiums, co-pays, deductibles, and prescription drugs. Once you've gone through the steps outlined here you will know you have done what you need to do to make the most of your benefits, and you'll be confident in your choices or at least know the right questions to ask.