This new book, I very humbly state, is one of the most profound books I have ever written! This book contains exactly what the title states: the best "Wisdom Quotes" the world has ever known from all religions and all Spiritual paths. All Bibles of all religions are wonderful and beautiful. This most unique book is literally a "Synthesis Bible" of the best wisdom quotes in my 40 volume Ascension Book Series and of all religions and all paths back to God! It has been my greatest joy to write this book and one that has taken an enormous amount of work to put together. It is guaranteed to transform your consciousness. The wisdom quotes contained within will come back to you in times of need, like mantras, to keep you centered, clear, and totally within an efficient perception of reality, as God would have it be! Totally electrifying Spiritual reading! I do not believe a "Synthesis Bible" has ever been written on this planet before! Must reading for all lightworkers! You will enjoy it immensely! Literally every sentence of this entire book is filled with the Love, Light, Wisdom and Power of God and the Masters!