Herbalism is one of the cornerstones of magical work, and The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick presents this vast subject in an accessible, practical manner. While it includes those plants classically associated with magick, such as mugwort, mandrake, and nightshade, it also provides lore and usage of more common plants, such as olive, coconut, tiger lily, orchids, and palms. Other herbs include heliotrope, lotus, mallow, nettle, oak, yew, and willow.
This groundbreaking book offers a broad overview of the art of herbalism, along with specific practical instruction in using herbs in magick. It also provides a thorough overview of the historical relationship between herbs and the practice of magick. This uniquely helpful guide supplies the novice with a solid foundation of herbal magick knowledge and history, and more experienced practitioners will benefit from the author's unique and erudite perspective and skill. No other herbal magick book offers this level of information in such a concise form.
James Wasserman has been a member of Ordo Templi Orientis sincer 1976. He has been described as a "founding father" of the modern O.T.O. and has played a key role in numerous seminal publications of Aleister Crowley's literary corpus. His writings and editorial efforts maintain a focus on spirituality, creative mythology, secret societies, history, religion, and politics. He has appeared in numerous documentaries on The History Channel and The Discovery Channel, addressed the National Press Club on esoteric symbolism, and has appeared on many radio broadcasts and podcasts.