Caitríona Ní Dhúill is Professor in German at University College Cork, Ireland. She is the author of Metabiography: Reflecting on Biography (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and Sex in Imagined Spaces: Gender and Utopia from More to Bloch (2010). She is co-editor of the journal Austrian Studies, and guest co-editor of a double special issue of Poetics Today (2016) on negative futures. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on gender theory, utopian theory, modernist literature and life writing.
Julia Novak holds a tenure-track professorship for Anglophone Literature and Mediality at the University of Vienna. Her work on life writing and biofiction has appeared in journals such as Biography; Contemporary Women’s Writing; a/b: Auto/Biography Studies; Life Writing; and the Journal of Postcolonial Writing. She has co-edited a special issue on “Women’s Lives on Screen” for the European Journal of Life Writing (2021), of which she is an editor, as well as Experiments in Life Writing: Intersections of Auto/Biography and Fiction (Palgrave 2017); Life Writing and Celebrity (Routledge 2020); and the inaugural issue of the Journal of Historical Fictions (2017).