In his new book, ‘Speed Learning ~ Palm Readings In Your Own Words’, Julian Moore teaches the basics of palmistry using proven techniques which mean that you could be reading palms in less than 48 hours! This ebook and ten accompanying FLASH CARDS can get you up to speed quicker than you ever thought imaginable, while still creating your own style and being true to yourself without having to pretend that you're a great showman or anything other than yourself.
‘Speed Learning ~ Palm Readings In Your Own Words’ shows you how to give REAL readings that CONNECT with people.
Most people who decide to learn palmistry are easily put off when they first pick up a palmistry book, there’s so much information and more often than not, no clear description of even what ORDER to read the different elements of the hand in. This is not like those other books. It teaches you a step-by-step way of reading people’s palms that’s almost impossible to forget, and as it encourages you to create YOUR OWN way of describing what the lines and fingers mean, the speed of learning is greatly increased.
You’re not just learning ‘parrot style’, you’re creating your OWN versions of how to talk about the meanings of the hand, which makes them entirely memorable!
"No hype...just plain good! You can't go wrong if you just DO what Julian describes. I've always shied away from palmistry because I thought the system was too complicated. Julian has changed all that. And, the memory cues are an added bonus. It just can't get any easier." - Nicholas
"After reading Julian's book, and going through the flash cards a couple of times, I have a practical knowledge of palm reading that I didn't have 48 hours ago. My progress is clear and tangible. Today, I was able to improvise a palm reading session with one of my regular clients, and it went very well. I'm excited! That's why I'm writing this review, hoping that some of you also take advantage of this beautiful tool that Julian is sharing with us." - Enrique Enriquez - member of Kenton Knepper’s S.E.C.R.E.T. school and co-author of the groundbreaking book ‘Mind Reading’
"A very useful tool for both learning and reviewing palmistry basics. For learning you have taken the concept of flash cards and made the cue cards much more of a memory exercise; thereby, challenging the mind to create rather than just repeat. For the pro you have given some interesting slants on certain traits that add further dimension and depth to a reading. The cards provide an excellent review tool for all practicing palmists as it allows them to review traits and characteristics that may not appear commonly in their practice." - Charles Green & Eugene Bourgal
"An excellently laid out summation of the essence of palmistry, designed to teach you as you go along. I can certainly see how one can get this today and start giving mini-readings tomorrow night. Better yet, learn it all easily in a week and give real readings and be able to answer questions. This book actually teaches easily, speedily the essence of palmistry. Nice job. I'd recommend this to anyone starting out in the field. Well worth the money." - Tom Jorgenson
Speed Learning: Graphology - The Art Of Handwriting Analysis
Speed Learning: Cartomancy - A Playing Card Reading Primer
Speed Learning: The James Bond Cold Reading