Junyi Zhang is a professor in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering and Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation at Hiroshima University, Japan. His research fields include transportation planning, urban and regional planning, traffic engineering, environment and energy policies, tourism policy, and health policy. He is the author of more than 470 refereed papers in journals Transportation Research Part A, B, C, and D, Journal of Transport Geography, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Energy Policy, Energy, Climate Change, Annals of Tourism Research, and Tourism Management. He has also published a book with Elsevier, Transport and Energy Research: A Behavioral Perspective. He is the co-chair of WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society) COVID-19 Task Force and a foreign fellow of the Engineering Academy of Japan. He has published 13 peer-reviewed pandemic-related papers in Transport Policy, Nature – Scientific Reports, Sustainable Cities and Society, Tourism Economics, and more.
Yoshitsugu Hayashi is Distinguished Professor & Director of the Center for Sustainable Development and Global Smart City at Chubu University, Japan, and Distinguished Guest Professor, Tsinghua University, China. He is Executive Committee member of the Club of Rome and Ex-President (2013-19) and Chair of COVID-19 Task Force of WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society). He is the author of more than 230 peer-reviewed papers and 40 books, including Elsevier’s book Disaster Resilient Cities. His research areas include urbanization and motorization, urban smart growth/shrink management, rail transit systems, QOL based project evaluation method replacing cost-economic benefit analysis, and smart transport and cities. He was also a board member of the Engineering Academy of Japan, co-editor of Elsevier’s journal Transport Policy and Associate Editor of Elsevier’s Transportation Research Part D journal.