The fabulous series continues the adventures of Annev Dan Breth and his friends as they have to survive on their own in a perilous, magical world, with only their wits and training to guide them.
As astonishing look at good vs evil, the power and danger of good intentions, and the double edged nature of magic, this is a must-read for fans of Brandon Sanderson, Brent Weeks and The Wheel of Time series.
'Master of Sorrows is a brilliant and riveting tale about having the courage to find and choose one's path. I recommend this book for lovers of classic epic fantasy looking for a modern voice' NOVEL NOTIONS
'A wonderful mix of the old and the new . . . if you're a fan of coming-of-age stories, magic schools, and the idea of what's right and what's wrong, then Master of Sorrows is the book for you' THE FANTASY INN
'A very strong dark fantasy debut that will appeal directly to fans of The Poppy War and The Name of the Wind. It's intense, mystical and brutal'
'This is an adventure well-worth embarking on, one filled with monsters, gods, deception and betrayal'
Science fiction & fantasy