Meet Kiran Prakash Kajale, from Maharashtra. She likes to read, write and love to listen songs. Loves to decorate the canvas of life with beautiful colours of words. She is a coauthor in 15+ books, also she is compiler of two anthologies named as "Yeh Hai Life", "जज़्बात दिल के". She believes that accepting whatever happened gives strength and makes easy to live life and create positive thoughts in mind. You can read her quotes, poetry on Instagram and Your Quote App. Instagram: @kk_jazbaat
Nikita Poddar born in Barbil, Odisha and grew up in Gumla, Jharkhand, where she spent 15 ascetic years as ordinary girl before discovering that she is an extraordinary girl. Her Qualification is Higher secondary. She is a content writer. She has co-authored 100+ anthologies and has compiled 20+ anthologies too. Creative writing is so dear to her. Her dream is neither too big nor too small, but it's something she wants to do for people, not for fame but for the sake of humanity. Still breathing!