K. Anders Ericsson is Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. In 1976 he received his PhD in Psychology from University of Stockholm, Sweden, followed by post-doctoral fellowship at Carnegie-Mellon University. His current research concerns the structure and acquisition of expert performance and in particular how expert performers acquire and maintain their superior performance by extended deliberate practice. He has published many books including Toward a General Theory of Expertise: Prospects and Limits and The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports, and Games.
Neil Charness is Professor of Psychology at Florida State University and Research Associate at the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy. He is also the Director of the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences area in the department of Psychology at FSU. He has written many articles and chapters on the topics of age, human factors, and expert performance. He is on the editorial board of Gerontechnology, Psychology and Aging and the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.