K. J. Ray Liu is Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. A Highly Cited Researcher, he is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities, and a former President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He is a recipient of the 2016 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Award, the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2014 Society Award, and the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2009 Technical Achievement Award. He has also co-authored several books, including Cooperative Communications and Networking (Cambridge, 2008).
Beibei Wang is Chief Scientist in Wireless at Origin Wireless, Inc., and is also affiliated with the University of Maryland. She has been a recipient of the Outstanding Graduate School Fellowship, the Future Faculty Fellowship, the Dean's Doctoral Research Award from the University of Maryland, and the Overview Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2015. She has co-authored Cognitive Radio Networking and Security: A Game-Theoretic View with K. J. Ray Liu (Cambridge, 2010).