Questions Every Parent Has About Their Autistic Child; And The Answers...
Autism is a complex disorder, and there really is no one singular way to discuss or define it. But there is one thing that is true across the board when it comes to autism: the number of questions parents have.
I know what it's like to be unsure and worried about what to do for the best for a loved one with autism. I know all too well about the many challenges and frustrations that you are facing with your autistic child.
When my son was diagnosed with autism in 2009, I scoured every book and website I could find looking for answers. And for every question answered, there always seemed to be three more questions related to the original, and on and on. Many resources I found were either out of date, or written with medical jargons that only doctors could understand. You probably have the same frustrations on your journey to understand autism.
Fortunately you don't have to spend countless hours searching and verifying information like I did. I wrote this guide to cover a lot of the basic questions parents have, and a few you may have never thought of.
If you'd like to have a better understanding of the reasons behind your autistic child's behaviors, so you can help your child more and take some of the pressure off you and the rest of your family then this is the guide for you.
Here are just some of the things you will learn in "Raising Children with Autism: 100 Things Every Parent of an Autistic Child Must Know":
- What are the characteristics of Autism?
- What are the early warning signs of Autism that parents should look for?
- How do I get my child evaluated? & Will insurance cover all this?
- I want to have more children. Will they also be autistic?
- What does Early Intervention entail?
- How much therapy does my child really need?
- What are "biomedical" treatments?
- How dieting can help control autism naturally?
- The effectiveness of the most common alternative autism treatments
- What kind of services will the school district offer my child?
- My child never sleeps! What can I do?
- How to choose an ABA provider?
- How to cope with the stress of raising an autistic child?
- How to ensure the safety of my child?
- Is joining a parent support group really beneficial?
- Will my child ever marry or have children of their own?
- And much more...